Monday, February 28, 2022

tunnel vision

 don't i seem aware enough

to know what makes me hard to stick with

don't i look like someone

trying to base it all on reason

you know it sometimes gets

too ugly when you haven't slept well

does that mean you want to act that way

and you're like that?

*you mean nothing

but it's not yourself that hurts me

it's the existence of people like you

and the absence of discussion

and the decision of faking it too

why not ask me why i'm like this

you'd be given more than you see

maybe you would realize i'm

not the content of your tunnel vision*

is it just way too much to notice all the circumstances

no way let's define a person just by one thing and tell all the others

she's a 100% like that i don't want her there

ain't there something you yourself

want others to consider that would

make them understand you're not just what they think


you mean nothing / you're not worth it

it's not you i work on my flaws for

it's the scheming / and the way you

only know what you want to

i'm not welcome/ for my bad moods

out of context, don't you have them too

not so tiny clues you don't see

point the other way than what you think i do

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